Thursday, December 4, 2008

the cold swedish winter

I saw Loney, Dear opening for of Montreal in March of 2007. Actually, before the show I saw Emil Svanängen walking the cold streets of Cleveland with the most stern look I had ever seen on a man. Perhaps Swedes always look that way facing a cold wind.

When the show began I couldn't have predicted the tenderness that Emil possessed in his person. I was entranced by the expressions on his face and his beautiful voice that went so high.

I think everyone should have a little Swedish music in their lives. A lot, actually, because some of the best music recently has come from there. Loney, Dear is worth a listen. Make some hot chocolate and enjoy.

Loney, Dear - The Meter Marks OK
Loney, Dear - Hard Days

right click and choose 'Save Link as..." to download.

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